Sunday, 18 May 2014

The fault in our stars - Little infinities.

Two weeks ago I finally moved back to London. I'm so excited to be back in the city I love, I've been away since end of March and I didn't realise how much I depended on London until I went back to the countryside. 
Last weekend I had the privilege of seeing The Fault In Our Stars (TFIOS) 40 days before the release of the film with my ex-flatmate but forever friend, Rebecca. We're both huge fans of John Green and the book, we both pre-ordered TFIOS and so received signed copies when the book originally came out 2 years ago. We were also lucky enough to meet John and his equally talented brother, Hank, in February 2013 and will have the same privilege this summer at Leakycon, Orlando. 

We were asked not to blog spoilers, so instead I'll say just take tissues. TFIOS is one of my least favourite of John's books (seriously, have you READ Paper towns ?) and so I didn't expect to cry at all, except 10 minutes in the first tear rolled down my cheek and after that there was stopping it. I was full on sobbing by the end, and even as the credits were rolling I couldn't stop. I was a mess! I had liquid eyeliner all over my face - when the lights came up, Rebecca just laughed at me! I was so surprised at the quality of the film, films are never as good as the books they're inspired by, and this film is no exception, however it did the book as much justice as it possibly could. 

We received free copies of TFIOS with the movie cover (REALLY ?! I already have 5 copies from different events) and also a free T-shirt with #littleinfinities  and The Fault In Our Stars with the release date on the back. It is THE least flattering shirt I have ever owned, and it drowns me, but I love wearing it to bed. 

Until next time,
Stay Beautiful.

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